












Asclepius Herbal Consultancy
Herb images

Nature in pictures

Over the years we have collected many images related to Herbal Medicine. These images are now available for both private and commercial use.

On the following pages are copies of some of the images we have in stock. Please be aware that the low resolution (72 pixels per inch) of these sample copies does not reproduce the high definition and sharp quality found in the high resolution licensed copies (>240 pixels per inch).

If you are interested in purchasing an image license, then please submit a purchase enquiry by using the link on the image pages. The current prices are shown on the purchase enquiry form.

By purchasing a private or commercial license you will be sent a link to access an unmarked high resolution copy of the licensed image in TIFF file format.

If you do not find what you are looking for, then please contact us, as we have over 600 images in stock that have not yet been posted onto the website.





Other associated pages on this site that might be of interest:



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