




Asclepius Herbal Consultancy
Courses & Presentations

This side contains information about courses, lectures and workshops organised by Asclepius Herbal Consultancy and also presentation material for course participants which has been made publicly available. To view the material it is necessary to have programs installed on your computer that can read Adobe reader® or Microsoft Power Point® file formats

To download programs that can read these file formats. simply follow this link Ä

To access the files, follow the link next to the file description.

(The course descriptions given below reflect the material language)

You are welcome to use the following material for private individual interest or personal study. However please respect the copyright laws and intellectual rights of the author and always give the reference with any written citations. Any other use of the presentations or of the text and the illustrations contained therein is strictly forbidden without written consent from the author.

Kroppen og Motion

Hvordan du får det bedste ud af din træning?

Motion er godt for både kroppen og psyken…, men hvordan hænger det hele sammen og hvad kan vi gøre for at forbedre vores træningsindsats og styrke sundheden?

Med udgangspunkt i fire hovedtemaer, ser vi på hvordan motion har en indflydelse på kroppens aktivitet og funktion, samt lærer hvordan vi bedst kan tilrettelægge vores træningsforløb så det giver de bedste resultater.

Den arbejdende krop

Muskler og led; hvordan er de opbygget og hvordan fungerer de?
Sammenhang mellem hjertet og motion
Styrketræning og konditræning

Ernæring og motion

Ernæringsstofgrupperne og hvor de findes
Særlig behov og træningstyper

Forebyggelse af træningsskader

Almindelig træningsskader og deres forebyggelse
Belastningsskader – og hvordan man undgår dem

Fritid og særlige træningsforløb

Hvad er den bedste træningsform for dig
Planlægning og motionsplaner - at sætte sig mål og nå dem
Når fritidssport nærmere sig elitesport

Download information om kursusforløbet Kroppen og Motion


A model for immune system therapeutics

psychoneuroimmunology & vitalism

An audio-visual Lecture: Part 1 & 2

Originally prepared as a lecture for final year BSc. graduate students at the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine, this presentation proposes a therapeutic model for the treatment of patients requiring immune intervention based upon a synthesis of therapeutic principles from psychoneuroimmunology and vitalism.

The presentation begins with a review of the immune system and presents the psychoneuroimmunological understanding that combines immune function with psycho-spritual understanding of the human condition. Using this as a basis the lecture continues to present a therapeutic model for immune intervention, with suggested treatment strategies for acute, chronic, allergic, autoimmune and malignant conditions.

This Lecture is in two parts which last approximately 1h 30mins each. The files are large and it make take some time to download the presentation.

This lecture is presented as an A-V Power Point presentation. To view the lecture as a narrated audio-visual presentation, choose 'open file' when prompted. The automatic audio-visual presentation feature may not function properly if your computer is not set up to run PP files in a browser. If you are having difficulties, then save the file to your computer and open it with Microsoft Power Point®, select 'slide-show' then 'view slide-show'.

Therapeutics Part 1

Power Point Presentation


Therapeutics Part 2

Power Point Presentation


To the Heart of the Matter
examining the conceptual context of the understanding of cardiac illness

An examination of the hypothesis, that the context of the empirical therapeutic philosophy of Western Herbal Medicine (WHM) demonstrates a conceptual understanding that is concurrent with the biomedical theories being developed within the field of Psychoneuroendocrinology (PNE).

To the Heart of the Matter

Power Point Presentation


Kardiovaskulære Sygdomme og Psykoneuroendokrinologi
En Urtemedicinsk Tilgang

Praktiserende Phytoterapeuter, d. 3. marts 2007. Odense (privat foredrag)

Material not publicly available

Kardiovaskulære Sygdomme og Psykoneuroendokrinologi
En Urtemedicinsk Tilgang

Power Point Presentation


Praktiserende Phytoterapeuter, d. 17. april 2010. Vejle (privat foredrag)

Material not publicly available

Urtemedicinsk Farmaci
Kunsten at samle naturen i en flaske w

Power Point Presentation


Kursus i medicinske urter relateret til forskellige fysiologiske systemer i kroppen
Underbygget med kost - vitaminer- og mineraler.

Helsam, d. 12. og d. 13. juni 2010. Hindsgavl Slot
(privat kursus)

Material not publicly available

Power Point Presentation

Den Professionelle Samtale

Shiatsuskolen, København d. 12. marts 2011.
(privat kursus)

Material not publicly available

Den Professionelle Samtale

Power Point Presentation


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